Malaysian Singer-Songwriter Froya Announces Release of EP, ‘Creature’A Long-Awaited Personal Project Since Her Debut Album in 2015

To say Malaysian singer-songwriter Froya’s year of music releases has been quiet would be quite an understatement. With her constant collaboration efforts with Japanese electronic pop group SNOWK, Tokimeki Records and UQiYO released back to back, Froya is fast becoming a mainstay collaborator in the Japanese music scene in the past 2 years. The singer-songwriter has just announced the release of her long-awaited EP, ‘Creature’, which is slated for release on 19 November 2021 on all major streaming platforms. 

Produced during COVID’19’s lockdown period in Malaysia, the 3-track EP ‘Creature’  comes from the point of view of quite literally, a creature. “It’s not a being, and it’s not a perfect being either. ‘Creature’ somehow manifested into something on its own during this period. What I loved about the end product was that it spoke with honesty, and that it came from a fragile but sincere place’, explains Froya. If her 2015 debut album ‘Panic Bird’ was created in the exploration of finding a deeper meaning to making music back in 2015, the EP ‘Creature’ and it’s first track with the same title speaks of a far more matured vulnerability, of unlimited choices, but also seeing things in a different perspective while learning to morph into different skins in different situations. 

It’s exactly the same as growing up, isn’t it? Over the years, I’ve grown a lot more in terms of music technicality, as an artist, and as a person. I’ve definitely shed a lot of insecurities from before. It’s more stripped down and minimal compared to Panic Bird’, focusing on expressing the core emotion of this EP”, Froya adds on. The ‘Creature’ EP also includes ‘B.L.O.W.’ that describes the state of a complicated human relationship that once used to be simple and unfractured, as well as ‘Mother’, a solemn ending to the EP that pays homage to lost loved ones. 

In loving memory of Patricia Williams.


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